
Marketing Audit & Consultation

Marketing Audit is a process of the company marketing plan, objective and strategies renovation for cultivating a working task. While performing marketing Audit ,the important aspects are:

  1. Comprehensive where none of the marketing areas should be left behind for a complete audit.
  2. Systematic so all the goals, strategies and other directly and indirectly influencing factors are aligned.
  3. Independent as outsider audit is the best way for the complete and organised audit
  4. Periodical where the audit is performed when crisis occurs and there is a regular audit method as well.

We believe in performing all the steps for the complete marketing plan and operation renovation.

Marketing Consultation evaluate current marketing efforts and make suggestions for improvements and plan.

The important components of marketing audit to consult the business are

  1. Macro-environment that includes factors influencing performance of marketing.
  2. Marketing strategy Audit that includes checking upon business mission, objectives and strategies that has direct effect on performance of the organisation.
  3. Clear plan on your marketing objective and mission to be achieved and delivered shall be on practices.

There are much more to look upon so as our team!!!

Market Research & Strategy

Market research is the chief act to results as it helps to deep down the market to get depth analysis for us to grow our product or service and reach them to the unique and particular audience. We practise 4 steps to have taken the brand’s market research as follows,

  1. Primary research is to get the first step analysis of your business and make the impactful ground for your marketing plan and reach some specific target groups.
  2. Secondary research where we help you identifying your market through a clean research method as we have proven strategies and strategists to work exclusively.
  3. Qualitative research that can be done largely to find what your audience think about you and we will be able to directly question them on the trust they have on you.
  4. Quantitative research which produces results in numbers so through this, we will be able to advance the marketing strategy.

Marketing strategy is a plan to carry on the activities in smaller budget and the ROI is definitely, the biggest expectation of the investor. So we believe failure to plan is planning to fail. As far as this to be concerned, we first strategize your entire marketing idea after the completion of your marketing ground and paper works. Of course, Strategy plays the chief and important role in the growth of the concern and the content of the consumers. We help you build your brand new and fresh strategy to your success.

Digital Marketing

Now 80% of the world’s population is using internet on an average of 6 hours a day. So we thought this internet is the place where we project our brands with the right message to be delivered to the customers.

This digital marketing is something where the ROI is maximum and immediate. This is also called “internet marketing”. This includes the following,

  1. Search Engine Optimization: Search engine Optimization through which we can make your brand stand out and rank first in the google page.
  2. Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing through which we generate usual potential leads
  3. Search Engine Marketing: Search engine marketing is a wide range of visibility for your product or service worldwide.
  4. Social media management:- Social media management is where we build your brand in organic way through social media
  5. Email marketing: This makes the most of the digital marketing success as this method reaches your positive handles directly to the target’s inbox.
  6. Affiliate marketing: Often confused with referral marketing, this is more to an internet marketing. This can be performed with any methods and we believe achieving it in a unique method with experts.

To become a brand, reach is important and loyalty is more important to any other.  

Some of the features of our services includes:

1) Understanding Client’s business model, goals and objective

2) Strict abidance  to time and budget

3)  Aim at harnessing better business for our clients

Search Engine Marketing
Search Engine Optimization
Content Marketing
Social Media Management
Social Media Marketing
Email Marketing

Digital Solutions
Boost your Success

Yes! In Digitized World the success  ratio of the brands directly propositional to the presence of the brand in the digital world!