How important to measure your website performance to yield better results?

How important to measure your website performance to yield better results?

One of the important tasks in SEO is Analytics. It is very important to measure your website performance to yield better results. For this, Google has two important tools which are Google Search Console and Google Analytics. The primary goal of these two applications are the same, but each app has its own importance and usage. The ultimate aim of both these applications is to drive traffic to your website but each does it in a different way. There are several third-party tools are available but still, no one can inform better about Google other than Google’s product (Google Analytics).

Google Search Console:

Google Search Console mainly focuses on how to make your website on top. It is more related to ranking factors. Search Console tells you exactly for which queries your website is ranking at what position. It has nothing to do with the information of a person who is searching. You can track the performance of a website by seeing the number of Clicks, Impressions, Click through ratio and Average position of your website. You can also see what keywords your website ranked in image and video search. Apart from this, Search Console is used to check whether your web page is crawled and indexed. 

Crawling and indexing:

Once the content is written on your website, Google spiders will take its first step to crawl your content and analyze the quality of the content. Once the content is crawled, the next step is indexing. Once the content is indexed in the search engine, the content will start ranking according to the keywords used in the content. Robots.txt is the file that tells Google bots to crawl the website or not. If it is disallowed, Google bots won’t crawl the content of the website on a final note.  Search Console will find the data accurately. These data will help you to modify your keywords and it gives you an overall idea about the performance of a website in SERP. Additionally, the search console is also used for fixing indexing issues. You can manually tell Google to index your page buy selecting request indexing option in your search console tool.

Google Analytics:

Google Analytics is different from the search console tool. Analytics gives you an enormous amount of data about the users and how they interact with your website. Google analytics helps you to know more about the audience and fetch the data to tune your website. It gives more personalized data about the audience that includes the device they use, their service provider, geographical location and many more. Like Google ads, users can set a goal and track their performance. These are one of the important audience information metrics which are given by Google.


This section allows gives a piece of information about the age and gender of your user. For instance, if your website users are between the age of 20-25, you can make different marketing strategies to attract these types of customers. Apart from this, Google Analytics gives you information about Active users, User’s behavior, Geographics and also about Technology. It also tells by which devices your website visitors are using. By using this information you can make your website compatible with that developer.

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